Add prefs for Landscape
[Hacks.git] / hacks / Landscape / Landscape.js
1 /* Copyright 2011 The Dominion of Awesome
2  * See COPYING for licensing information */
3 enyo.kind({
4         name: "Landscape",
5         kind: "Hack",
6         style: "background-color: #2ab40f",
7         preferences: [
8                 {name: "direction", label: "Direction of Travel", kind: "ListSelector", items: [
9                         {caption: "right", value: -1},
10                         {caption: "left", value: 1}
11                 ]},
12                 {name: "speed", label: "Speed", kind: "Slider", minimum: 0.1, maximum: 10, snap: 0.1}
13         ],
14         direction: -1,
15         speed: 1.0,
16         components: [
17                 {name: "clouds", style: "height: 200px; background-image: url(hacks/Landscape/clouds.png)"},
18                 {name: "mountains", style: "height: 200px; background-image: url(hacks/Landscape/mountains.png)"},
19                 {name: "trees", style: "height: 200px; background-image: url(hacks/Landscape/trees.png)"}
20         ],
21         create: function() {
22                 this.inherited(arguments);
23                 this.n = 0;
24         },
25         start: function() {
26                 if (!this.timer)
27                         this.timer = setInterval(this.draw.bind(this), 33);
28         },
29         stop: function() {
30                 clearInterval(this.timer);
31                 this.timer = null;
32         },
33         draw: function() {
34                 this.n += this.direction * this.speed;
35                 if (this.n <= -1600)
36                         this.n += 1600;
37                 else if (this.n >= 1600)
38                         this.n -= 1600;
40                 this.$.clouds.applyStyle("background-position", (this.n * 1.5) + "px top");
41                 this.$.mountains.applyStyle("background-position", (this.n * 2.5) + "px top");
42                 this.$.trees.applyStyle("background-position", (this.n * 7.5) + "px top");
43         }
44 });