Resize all loaded views to prevent left/right overlapping center.
[Hacks.git] / hacks / Orbit / Orbit.js
1 /* Copyright 2011 The Dominion of Awesome
2  * See COPYING for licensing information */
3 enyo.kind({
4         name: "Orbit",
5         kind: "Hack",
6         pack: "center",
7         align: "center",
8         style: "background-color: lightgray",
9         components: [
10                 {kind: "Control", nodeTag: "canvas", name: "canvas", width: "700px", height: "700px"}
11         ],
12         rendered: function() {
13                 var canvas = this.$.canvas.hasNode();
14                 canvas.width = 700;
15                 canvas.height = 700;
16                 this.context = canvas.getContext('2d');
17                 this.context.fillStyle = 'lightgray';
19                 this.center_x = canvas.width / 2;
20                 this.center_y = canvas.height / 2;
21                 this.radius = 250;
22                 this.zr = 0;
23                 this.xr = 0;
25                 this.chromeball = new Image();
26                 this.chromeball.onload = this.setReady.bind(this);
27                 this.chromeball.src = "hacks/Orbit/chrome_ball.png";
28         },
29         setReady: function() {
30                 this.ready = true;
31                 this.engine();
32         },
33         start: function() {
34                 if (this.ready && !this.timer)
35                         this.timer = setInterval(this.engine.bind(this), 20);
36         },
37         stop: function() {
38                 clearInterval(this.timer);
39                 this.timer = null;
40         },
41         engine: function() {
42                 this.context.fillRect(0, 0, 700, 700);
43                 this.zr += 0.1;
44                 this.xr += 0.05;
45                 var objects = [];
46                 for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
47                         var czr = this.zr + i * Math.PI/4;
48                         var cxr = this.xr + Math.PI + i * Math.PI/4;
49                         var cx = this.center_x + this.radius * Math.sin(czr);
50                         var cy = this.center_y + this.radius * Math.cos(czr) * Math.cos(this.xr);
51                         var r = 50 + 25 * Math.cos(czr) * Math.cos(this.xr + Math.PI/2);
53                         objects.push({
54                                 x: cx - r,
55                                 y: cy - r,
56                                 s: r * 2
57                         });
58                 }
59                 // Sort by size to simulate z-ordering
60                 objects.sort(function(a,b) {
61                         return a.s - b.s;
62                 });
63                 for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++)
64                         this.context.drawImage(this.chromeball, objects[i].x, objects[i].y, objects[i].s, objects[i].s);
65         }
66 });