beatscape - the red-headed stepchild of all vertical column rhythm games beatscape is a simulator for vertical column rhythm games. Right now, it simulates 7-key beatmania IIDX (and, by induction, 5-key beatmania), but plans to support the whole line from Pop'n Music to Keyboardmania. It does *not* simulate any arrow games (DDR, ITG, Pump it Up, etc). If you want that, go use StepMania. Right now it reads BMS/BME (pretty well) and StepMania SM (poorly). beatscape requires: pygame of a recent vintage (I'm using 1.7.1) Python 2.4 a little bit of a clue USAGE Add your songs to the 'songs' folder. There is no restriction on the placement of files, other than that all files referenced by a keyfile (WAV,BMP,etc) must be in the same folder as that keyfile. I like to arrange my keyfiles logically by source, but you can do whatever you want. beatscape does not automatically index your music files (yet), so you will have to do this manually each time you add or remove songs by running ''. beatscape accepts a command line argument specifying a keyfile to play. This is handy if you're testing a keyfile and don't want to navigate the menus. FILES This lists configuration variables for various aspects of the game, such as timings and button assignments. Timings are set to what I think is a reasonable approximation of the console versions of IIDX, and button assignments should work with your standard IIDX controller hooked up via a PSX -> USB adapter. Other controllers and adapters will likely require tweaking. There is not (as yet) any per-user configuration or way to install beatscape system-wide. Feel free to contribute. :) BUGS Oh, god, too many to mention, but these are extremely noticable: * bpm-change problems on some songs (notably both era mixes) * sometimes a song will just decide not to work after you've selected it. If you select it again, it will probably work. * A lot of undocumented features of the BMS/BME format are still unhandled, and will likely cause errors or crashes. If anyone can point me to a definitive BMS/BME reference, I'd be much obliged! * Sometimes samples will just fail to play. I'm not yet sure if this is a fault of my engine or of pygame. * There's no way to adjust any game options, especially speed (without hacking the source). * It's visually abominable. LICENSE beatscape is released under the GPLv2. Details can be found in the COPYING file. OTHER beatscape might run on windows. I've only tested this a little bit, and it does run, but the sound is usually lagged and choppy. CONTACT I can be contacted at if you have any bug reports, questions, fixes, or other contributions. Thanks, and have fun!