Operation SnapShooter automatically grabs images off of the clipboard and uploads them for easy sharing with friends. While the "enable" box is checked, SnapShooter will check periodically for image data on the clipboard. When SnapShooter finds image data, it converts it to JPEG, then uploads it to Transit. After uploading, SnapShooter copies the Transit URL to the clipboard so that you can immediately paste the result into a conversation, blog, or other communication. A log is kept in the SnapShooter window of recent uploads. Each item shows a timestamp, a handy link to the Transit URL, and a button to copy the Transit URL to the clipboard. Notes Be careful – while enabled, SnapShooter will upload and then destroy any image data on the clipboard. Other kinds of data will not be affected. SnapShooter does not (yet) save the output list on exit. Save any links you want to keep before you exit the program.