/* Copyright 2011 The Dominion of Awesome
* See COPYING for licensing information */
name: "XSpinnerCGA",
kind: "Hack",
style: "background-color: black",
pack: "center",
align: "center",
components: [
{style: "border: 2px solid green; padding: 4px", components: [
{name: "terminal", nodeTag: "pre", style: "margin: 0; font-family: PCSenior; font-size: 16px"}
create: function() {
this.w = 40;
this.h = 24;
this.delay = 20;
this.rate = 360.0 / 1000.0;
this.cw = this.w / 2;
this.ch = this.h / 2;
rendered: function() {
this.terminal = this.$.terminal.hasNode();
this.blinker = document.getElementById('spinner_blinker');
this.blink_active = true;
start: function() {
if (!this.timer) {
this.timer = setInterval(this.spinner.bind(this), this.delay);
this.blinkerTimer = setInterval(this.blink.bind(this), 500);
stop: function() {
this.timer = null;
this.blinkerTimer = null;
spinner: function() {
// Get date
var ms = (new Date()).getMilliseconds();
var r = ms * this.rate;
var a = Math.tan((r / 180.0) * Math.PI);
var b = Math.tan(((r+90) / 180.0) * Math.PI);
var t = '';
for (var j=0; j < this.h; j++) {
for (var i=0; i < this.w; i++) {
if ((r > 90 && r <= 180) || (r > 270 && r < 360) || r == 0) {
if ((j-this.ch) * 2 > a * (i-this.cw) && (j-this.ch) * 2 < b * (i-this.cw) ||
(j-this.ch) * 2 < a * (i-this.cw) && (j-this.ch) * 2 > b * (i-this.cw) ) {
t += '*';
} else {
t += ' ';
} else {
if ((j-this.ch) * 2 > a * (i-this.cw) && (j-this.ch) * 2 > b * (i-this.cw) ||
(j-this.ch) * 2 < a * (i-this.cw) && (j-this.ch) * 2 < b * (i-this.cw) ) {
t += '*';
} else {
t += ' ';
t += "\n";
this.terminal.innerHTML = t;
blink: function() {
if (this.blink_active)
this.blinker.style.color = '#00FF00';
this.blinker.style.color = 'black';
this.blink_active = !this.blink_active;