author:Chip Black
committer:Chip Black
date:Sun Mar 1 14:28:35 2015 -0600
Clarify email text
diff --git a/www/jssrc/blerg/AccountCenter.js b/www/jssrc/blerg/AccountCenter.js
line changes: +1/-1
index b32caec..766e9b2
--- a/www/jssrc/blerg/AccountCenter.js
+++ b/www/jssrc/blerg/AccountCenter.js
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ enyo.kind({
     components: [
         {tag: 'h2', content: "Change Password"},
         {kind: "blerg.PasswdForm"},
-        {tag: 'h2', content: "Email Notifications"},
+        {tag: 'h2', content: "Email"},
         {kind: 'blerg.EmailForm'},
         {tag: 'h2', content: "Generate recovery link"},
         {content: "A recovery link is a URL that will allow you to reset the password on your account at a later time. Whoever has this link will be able to gain control of your account. This link should be kept in a safe place like an encrypted password manager or a physical piece of paper locked in a safe. The link will expire after one year or the next password change (either via a recovery link or by changing it manually above). To indicate that you understand this, please copy <code>blërg</code> into the textbox below.", tag: 'p', allowHtml: true},

diff --git a/www/jssrc/blerg/EmailForm.js b/www/jssrc/blerg/EmailForm.js
line changes: +1/-1
index 4ee731d..6e651fc
--- a/www/jssrc/blerg/EmailForm.js
+++ b/www/jssrc/blerg/EmailForm.js
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ enyo.kind({
     name: 'blerg.EmailForm',
     components: [
         {name: 'emailRegisterForm', components: [
-            {content: "Enter your email address to get daily digest updates of your feed.", tag: 'p'},
+            {content: "Register an email address to get daily digest updates of your feed. We can also use this address to send you a password recovery link if you forget your password.", tag: 'p'},
             {tag: 'form', onsubmit: 'registerEmail', components: [
                 {kind: 'onyx.InputDecorator', classes: 'recovery', components: [
                     {kind: 'onyx.Input', name: 'email'}