// Config
var baseURL = '';
var recordTemplate = new Template(
- '<div class="record">#{data}<div class="info">Posted #{date}. <a href="/\##{author}/#{record}">[permalink]</a> <a href="#" onclick="postPopup(\'@#{author}/#{record}: \'); return false">[reply]</a></div></div>'
+ '<div class="record">#{data}<div class="info">Posted #{date}. <a href="/\##{author}/#{record}" onclick="return qlink()">[permalink]</a> <a href="#" onclick="postPopup(\'@#{author}/#{record}: \'); return false">[reply]</a></div></div>'
var tagRecordTemplate = new Template(
- '<div class="record">#{data}<div class="info">Posted by <a class="author ref" href="/\##{author}" onclick="return qlink()">@#{author}</a> on #{date}. <a href="/\##{author}/#{record}">[permalink]</a> <a href="#" onclick="postPopup(\'@#{author}/#{record}: \'); return false">[reply]</a></div></div>'
+ '<div class="record">#{data}<div class="info">Posted by <a class="author ref" href="/\##{author}" onclick="return qlink()">@#{author}</a> on #{date}. <a href="/\##{author}/#{record}" onclick="return qlink()">[permalink]</a> <a href="#" onclick="postPopup(\'@#{author}/#{record}: \'); return false">[reply]</a></div></div>'
var latestRecordsTemplate = new Template(
'<div class="record"><a class="author ref" href="/\##{author}" onclick="return qlink()">@#{author}</a> #{data}</div>'
// Base object for paged data
function Pager() {
this.itemsPerPage = 10;
-Pager.prototype.initPager = function() {
this.itemCache = new Hash();
this.pageStart = null;
+Pager.prototype.updateState = function(m) {
+ return false;
+Pager.prototype.show = function() {
+ items.show();
+Pager.prototype.hide = function() {
+ items.hide();
+ items.update();
+ $('newer_link').hide();
+ $('older_link').hide();
Pager.prototype.olderPage = function() {
if (this.pageStart >= this.itemsPerPage) {
qlink(this.baseFrag + '/p' + (this.pageStart - this.itemsPerPage));
// Object to render user pages
-function User(username) {
- this.initPager();
- this.username = username;
- this.baseFrag = username;
+function User(m) {
+ Pager.call(this);
+ this.username = m[1];
+ this.baseFrag = m[1];
+ this.permalink = (m[2] != 'p');
+ this.pageStart = parseInt(m[3]);
User.prototype = new Pager();
User.prototype.constructor = User;
+User.prototype.updateState = function(m) {
+ if (m[1] != this.username)
+ return false;
+ this.permalink = (m[2] != 'p');
+ this.pageStart = parseInt(m[3]);
+ this.show();
+ return true;
User.prototype.show = function() {
+ Pager.prototype.show.call(this);
$$('[name=section]').each(function(v) { v.update(' @' + this.username) }.bind(this));
- $('welcome').hide();
- items.show();
$('rsslink').href = '/rss/' + this.username;
$$('[name=user.reflink]').each(function(e) {
e.href = '/#/ref/' + this.username;
+ if (this.permalink && this.pageStart) {
+ this.showRecord(this.pageStart);
+ } else if (this.pageStart) {
+ this.showPageAt(this.pageStart);
+ } else {
+ this.reload();
+ }
+User.prototype.hide = function() {
+ Pager.prototype.hide.call(this);
+ $('signup').hide();
+ $('rss').hide();
+ $('usercontrols').hide();
User.prototype.reload = function() {
new Ajax.Request(baseURL + '/info/' + this.username, {
method: 'get',
onSuccess: function(r) {
- var j = r.responseText.evalJSON();
- if (j) {
- this.itemCount = parseInt(j.record_count);
- if (!this.pageStart)
- this.showPageAt(this.itemCount - 1);
+ var response = r.responseText.evalJSON();
+ if (response) {
+ this.itemCount = parseInt(response.record_count);
+ this.showPageAt(this.itemCount - 1);
// Object for browsing tags
-function Tag(type, tag) {
- this.initPager();
- this.type = type;
- this.tag = tag;
+function Tag(m) {
+ Pager.call(this);
+ this.type = m[1];
+ this.tag = m[2];
+ this.pageStart = parseInt(m[3]);
var url = baseURL + "/tag/";
- switch(type) {
+ switch(this.type) {
case 'tag':
//url += '%23';
url += 'H'; // apache is eating the hash, even encoded. Probably a security feature.
- this.baseFrag = '/tag/' + tag;
+ this.baseFrag = '/tag/' + this.tag;
case 'ref':
url += '%40';
- this.baseFrag = '/ref/' + tag;
+ this.baseFrag = '/ref/' + this.tag;
- alert('Invalid tag type: ' + type);
+ alert('Invalid tag type: ' + this.type);
- url += tag;
+ url += this.tag;
new Ajax.Request(url, {
method: 'get',
mangleRecord(v, tagRecordTemplate)
- this.pageStart = j.length - 1;
+ if (!this.pageStart)
+ this.pageStart = j.length - 1;
this.itemCount = j.length;
Tag.prototype = new Pager();
Tag.prototype.constructor = Tag;
+Tag.prototype.updateState = function(m) {
+ if (this.type != m[1] || this.tag != m[2])
+ return false;
+ this.pageStart = parseInt(m[3]) || this.itemCount - 1;
+ this.displayItems();
+ return true;
Tag.prototype.show = function() {
+ Pager.prototype.show.call(this);
var ctype = {ref: '@', tag: '#'}[this.type];
$$('[name=section]').each(function(v) {
v.update(' about ' + ctype + this.tag);
- $('welcome').hide();
- $('post').hide();
- $('older_link').hide();
- $('newer_link').hide();
- $('rss').hide();
- items.show();
- $('usercontrols').hide();
// Pager for browsing subscription feeds
-function Feed() {
- this.initPager();
+function Feed(m) {
+ Pager.call(this);
this.username = loginStatus.username;
this.baseFrag = '/feed';
+ this.pageStart = parseInt(m[1]);
new Ajax.Request(baseURL + '/feed', {
method: 'post',
mangleRecord(v, tagRecordTemplate)
- this.pageStart = response.length - 1;
+ if (!this.pageStart)
+ this.pageStart = response.length - 1;
this.itemCount = response.length;
Feed.prototype = new Pager();
Feed.prototype.constructor = Feed;
+Feed.prototype.updateState = function(m) {
+ this.pageStart = parseInt(m[1]) || this.itemCount - 1;
+ this.displayItems();
+ return true;
Feed.prototype.show = function() {
+ Pager.prototype.show.call(this);
$$('[name=section]').each(function(v) {
v.update(' ' + loginStatus.username + "'s spycam");
- $('welcome').hide();
- $('post').hide();
- $('older_link').hide();
- $('newer_link').hide();
- $('rss').hide();
- items.show();
- $('usercontrols').hide();
function signup_cancel() {
- hashSwitch();
+ urlSwitch();
function subscribe() {
// Bogus qlink
- hashSwitch();
+ lastHash = location.hash;
+ urlSwitch();
return false;
-function hashSwitch() {
- var m;
+function Welcome() {
+ loadLatest();
+Welcome.prototype.show = function() {
+ $$('[name=section]').each(function(v) { v.update('Welcome') });
+ $('welcome').show();
+Welcome.prototype.hide = function() {
- if (m = location.search.match(/^\?post\/([^/]+)\/(.+)/)) {
- $('post').show();
- $('post.content').value = '[' + decodeURIComponent(m[1]).replace(']','').replace('[','') + '](' + decodeURIComponent(m[2]) + ')';
- } else if (m = location.hash.match(/^#\/(ref|tag)\/([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)(?:\/p(\d+))?$/)) {
- if (!currentPager || !(currentPager instanceof Tag) || currentPager.type != m[1] || currentPager.tag != m[2])
- currentPager = new Tag(m[1], m[2]);
- currentPager.show();
+ $('welcome').hide();
- if (m[3]) {
- var r = parseInt(m[3]);
- currentPager.showPageAt(r);
- } else {
- currentPager.showPageAt(currentPager.itemCount - 1);
- }
- } else if (m = location.hash.match(/^#\/feed(?:\/p(\d+))?$/)) {
- if (loginStatus.loggedIn) {
- if (!currentPager || !(currentPager instanceof Feed) || currentPager.username != loginStatus.username)
- currentPager = new Feed();
- currentPager.show();
- if (m[3]) {
- var r = parseInt(m[3]);
- currentPager.showPageAt(r);
- } else {
- currentPager.showPageAt(currentPager.itemCount - 1);
- }
- } else {
- location.href = baseURL;
- }
- } else if (m = location.hash.match(/^#([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)(?:\/(p)?(\d+))?$/)) {
- if (!currentPager || !(currentPager instanceof User) || currentPager.username != m[1])
- currentPager = new User(m[1]);
- currentPager.show();
- loginStatus.update();
+function ExternalURLPost(m) {
+ this.title = decodeURIComponent(m[1]).replace(']','').replace('[','');
+ this.url = decodeURIComponent(m[2]);
- if (m[3]) {
- var r = parseInt(m[3]);
- if (m[2] == 'p') {
- currentPager.showPageAt(r);
- } else {
- currentPager.showRecord(r);
- }
- } else {
- currentPager.reload();
+ExternalURLPost.prototype.show = function() {
+ $('post.content').value = '[' + this.title + '](' + this.url + ')';
+ $('post').show();
+var urlmap = [
+ ['search', /^\?post\/([^/]+)\/(.+)/, ExternalURLPost],
+ ['hash', /^#\/(ref|tag)\/([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)(?:\/p(\d+))?$/, Tag],
+ ['hash', /^#\/feed(?:\/p(\d+))?$/, Feed],
+ ['hash', /^#([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)(?:\/(p)?(\d+))?$/, User]
+function urlSwitch() {
+ var m;
+ var pageconstructor;
+ for (var i = 0; i < urlmap.length; i++) {
+ if (m = location[urlmap[i][0]].match(urlmap[i][1])) {
+ pageconstructor = urlmap[i][2];
+ break;
- } else {
- $$('[name=section]').each(function(v) { v.update('Welcome') });
- $('signup').hide();
- items.update();
- items.hide();
- $('newer_link').hide();
- $('older_link').hide();
- $('welcome').show();
- $('rss').hide();
- $('usercontrols').hide();
- loadLatest();
+ if (i == urlmap.length)
+ pageconstructor = Welcome;
+ if (currentPager && currentPager instanceof pageconstructor) {
+ // updateState returns true if the state has been successfully updated.
+ // Otherwise, we continue and create a new instance.
+ if (currentPager.updateState(m))
+ return;
+ }
+ if (currentPager && currentPager.hide)
+ currentPager.hide();
+ currentPager = new pageconstructor(m);
+ if (currentPager.show)
+ currentPager.show();
var lastHash;
function hashCheck() {
if (location.hash != lastHash) {
lastHash = location.hash;
- hashSwitch();
+ urlSwitch();
loginStatus = new LoginStatus();
lastHash = location.hash;
- hashSwitch();
+ urlSwitch();
setInterval(hashCheck, 250);