name: "blerg.AccountCenter",
statics: {
locationDetect: function(l) {
var m = l.hash.match(/^#\/account$/);
if (m) {
return {
kind: 'blerg.AccountCenter'
handlers: {
onLogin: "loginStatusChange",
onLogout: "loginStatusChange"
components: [
{name: 'accountCenterContent', showing: false, components: [
{tag: 'h2', content: "Change Password"},
{kind: "blerg.PasswdForm"},
{tag: 'h2', content: "Email"},
{kind: 'blerg.EmailForm'},
{tag: 'h2', content: "Generate recovery link"},
{content: "A recovery link is a URL that will allow you to reset the password on your account at a later time. Whoever has this link will be able to gain control of your account. This link should be kept in a safe place like an encrypted password manager or a physical piece of paper locked in a safe. The link will expire after one year or the next password change (either via a recovery link or by changing it manually above). To indicate that you understand this, please copy <code>blërg</code> into the textbox below.", tag: 'p', allowHtml: true},
{tag: 'form', onsubmit: 'generateRecoveryLink', components: [
{kind: 'onyx.InputDecorator', classes: "recovery", components: [
{kind: 'onyx.Input', name: "recoveryVerifier"}
{kind: 'onyx.Button', content: "Generate", classes: "recovery", onclick: "generateRecoveryLink"}
{tag: 'p', name: 'recoveryLinkOutput', classes: 'recovery'}
{name: 'pleaseLogIn', content: 'Please log in above to use the Account Center.'}
create: function() {
this.bubble('onSetTitle', {section: 'Account Center'});
generateRecoveryLink: function(inSender, inEvent) {
if (this.$.recoveryVerifier.getValue() != 'blërg') {
this.$.recoveryLinkOutput.setContent('Please read the text above');
var req = new enyo.Ajax({
url: '/aux/recovery/new',
handleAs: 'text'
req.response(this, function(inSender, inResponse) {
req.error(this, function(inSender, inResponse) {
this.$.recoveryLinkOutput.setContent('Failed: ' + req.xhrResponse.status);
loginStatusChange: function(inSender, inEvent) {