use cortex_m_rt::ExceptionFrame;
use crate::console::get_global_console;
use crate::util::{print_dec, print_hex_padded};
.global SVCall
.type SVCall,function
// Store a pointer to registers in r1
mrs r1, PSP
// find the svc number from the app stack, store it in r0
ldr r0, [r1, #24]
ldr r0, [r0, #-2]
and r0, 0xFF
// call service handler
b svcall_handler
unsafe extern "C" fn svcall_handler(svc: u8, regs: &mut ExceptionFrame) {
match svc {
0 => {
regs.r0 = &crate::C_DRIVER_INTERFACES as *const crate::CDriverInterfaces as u32
1 => {
regs.r0 = &crate::RUST_DRIVER_INTERFACES as *const crate::RustDriverInterfaces as u32
_ => {
let console = get_global_console();
console.write("unknown svcall ");
console.write(": ");
print_hex_padded(regs.r0, 8);
console.write(" ");
print_hex_padded(regs.r1, 8);
console.write(" ");
print_hex_padded(regs.r2, 8);
console.write(" ");
print_hex_padded(regs.r3, 8);