author:Chip Black
committer:Chip Black
date:Sat Dec 10 01:55:05 2011 -0600
Initial commit
diff --git a/ b/
line changes: +35/-0
index 0000000..2c8e131
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+= miniblerg - a tiny hack of a perl script to post to Blërg.
+Miniblerg is a half hour of hacking for a simple goal: log in to
+[Blërg]( and post something from the command-line.
+I used Perl and the excellent LWP library.  Like most half-hour hacks,
+it's not clean or pretty, but it gets the job done. :]
+== Installation
+miniblerg can be used from anywhere, but it requires Perl >5.10 and the
+JSON module.
+== Configuration
+Create a file called .miniblerg.rc in your home directory.  It only
+needs one directive, username.  It should look like this:
+username = foo
+Which, of course, is your Blërg username.
+== Usage
+ * miniblerg login
+   - interactively log in to your account
+ * miniblerg logout
+   - log out of your account
+ * miniblerg post
+   - post to Blërg either through an interactive editor or by reading
+     from stdin
+== Files
+miniblerg stores your login cookie in ~/.miniblerg.cookies.  These
+cookies stick around between invocations (but are only user readable).

diff --git a/miniblerg b/miniblerg
line changes: +82/-0
index 0000000..808a210
--- /dev/null
+++ b/miniblerg
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+use LWP::UserAgent;
+use strict;
+use v5.10;
+my $baseurl = '';
+my $rc = "$ENV{HOME}/.miniblerg.rc";
+my $cookies = "$ENV{HOME}/.miniblerg.cookies";
+open OPTIONS, $rc;
+my %options = map { chomp; split /\s*=\s*/ } <OPTIONS>;
+close OPTIONS;
+my $agent = LWP::UserAgent->new(
+	cookie_jar => {
+		file => $cookies,
+		ignore_discard => 1
+	}
+sub blerg_call {
+	my ($name, $params) = @_;
+	my $res = $agent->post($baseurl . $name, $params);
+	return $res->decoded_content =~ /success/;
+my $op = shift;
+given ($op) {
+	when ('login') {
+		print "Password: ";
+		system('stty -echo');
+		my $password = <STDIN>;
+		system('stty echo');
+		chomp $password;
+		print "\n";
+		blerg_call('login', {
+			username => $options{username},
+			password => $password
+		}) or die "Could not log in\n";
+		$agent->cookie_jar->save;
+		chmod 0600, $cookies;
+	}
+	when('logout') {
+		blerg_call('logout', {
+			username => $options{username}
+		});
+		unlink $cookies;
+	}
+	when ('post') {
+		my $data;
+		if (-t STDIN) {
+			my $editor = $ENV{EDITOR} // $ENV{VISUAL};
+			system "touch /tmp/$$";
+			system "$editor /tmp/$$";
+			open DATA, "/tmp/$$";
+			$data = join('', <DATA>);
+			close DATA;
+		} else {
+			$data .= $_ while <STDIN>;
+		}
+		chomp $data;
+		if (!$data) {
+			print "Aborting empty post\n";
+			exit 1;
+		}
+		blerg_call('put', {
+			username => $options{username},
+			data => $data
+		}) or die "Could not post\n";
+		END {
+			unlink "/tmp/$$";
+		}
+	}