import gs from './gamestate'; import { ID, generateID } from './id'; import { GameObject, GameObjectType } from './object'; import { Cell, CellProperties } from './cell'; import Storable from './storable'; /* GameMap The Map tracks positions of all the objects on the map, including the player. */ interface GameMapProperties { id: ID width: number height: number cells: CellProperties[] } export default class GameMap extends Storable { id: ID width: number height: number cells: Cell[][] playerLocation: [number, number] saveProperties = ['id', 'width', 'height'] constructor() { super(); this.id = generateID(); this.width = this.height = 1; this.build(); } build() { this.cells = this.cells || []; for (let j = 0; j < this.height; j++) { this.cells[j] = this.cells[j] || []; for (let i = 0; i < this.width; i++) { if (this.cells[j][i]) continue; this.cells[j][i] = new Cell(i, j); } } if (!this.player) { this.playerLocation = [0, 0]; } } movePlayer(x: number, y: number) { const [ oldX, oldY ] = this.playerLocation; let rebuild = false; if (x + 1 > this.width) { this.width = x + 1; rebuild = true; } else if (x < 0) { x = 0; } if (y + 1 > this.height) { this.height = y + 1; rebuild = true; } else if (y < 0) { y = 0; } if (x == oldX && y == oldY) return; if (rebuild) this.build(); this.playerLocation = [x, y]; gs.mapView.updateAll(); gs.mapView.updateCoords(x, y); } movePlayerRel(dx: number, dy: number) { const [ x, y ] = this.playerLocation; this.movePlayer(x + dx, y + dy); } getPlayerPosition(): [number, number] { const [ x, y ] = this.playerLocation; return [ x, y ]; } getCurrentCell(): Cell { const [ x, y ] = this.playerLocation; return this.cells[y][x]; } toggleNavigable() { const [ x, y ] = this.playerLocation; this.cells[y][x].navigable = !this.cells[y][x].navigable; gs.mapView.update(x, y); } editDescription() { gs.cellEditor.onClose = (cell: Cell) => { gs.mapView.update(cell.x, cell.y); gs.enterCell(); }; gs.cellEditor.open(this.getCurrentCell()); } store() { const obj = <GameMapProperties>super.store(); const cells: CellProperties[] = []; for (let j = 0; j < this.height; j++) { for (let i = 0; i < this.width; i++) { if (this.cells[j][i].navigable) { cells.push(this.cells[j][i].store()); } } } obj.cells = cells; return obj; } load(obj: GameMapProperties) { super.load(obj); this.build(); for (let c of obj.cells) { const { x, y } = c; this.cells[y][x].load(c); const p = Array.from(this.cells[y][x].objects).find( ([id, obj]) => obj.type == GameObjectType.Player ); } gs.mapView.updateAll(); } }