Initial commit -- list and show
+import ConfigParser
+from optparse import OptionParser
+import os, os.path, sys
+import xmlrpclib
+import textwrap
+config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()['HOME'], '.trac-attack.rc'))
+default_trac = config.get('main', 'default')
+options = OptionParser()
+options.add_option('-t', '--trac', dest = "trac",
+ help = "Which trac to connect to")
+def open_rpc(trac):
+ url = config.get(trac, 'url')
+ return xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(url)
+def list_tickets(tickets):
+ listing_wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper(
+ width = 63, replace_whitespace = True, drop_whitespace = True,
+ subsequent_indent = ' ' * 17)
+ print "%-7s %-8s %s" % ('ID', 'priority', 'summary')
+ print '-' * 70
+ for t in tickets:
+ print "#%-6d %-8s" % (t[0], t[3]['priority']), listing_wrapper.fill(t[3]['summary'])
+def show_ticket(ticket):
+ description_wrap = textwrap.TextWrapper(width = 80)
+ (id, time_created, time_changed, attributes) = ticket
+ print "Ticket #%d (%s %s)" % (id, attributes['status'], attributes['type'])
+ print attributes['summary']
+ print
+ fields = [
+ [('Reported by', 'reporter'), ('Owned by', 'owner')],
+ [('Priority', 'priority'), ('Milestone', 'milestone')],
+ [('Component', 'component'), ('Version', 'version')],
+ [('Keywords', 'keywords'), ('Cc', 'cc')],
+ ]
+ for row in fields:
+ print "%-39s %-39s" % tuple(map(lambda x: "%s: %s" % (x[0], attributes[x[1]]), row))
+ print
+ print description_wrap.fill(attributes['description'])
+ print
+def editor():
+ raise NotImplementedError
+def comment_on_ticket(id, comment):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+def main():
+ (flags, args) = options.parse_args()
+ trac = flags.trac or default_trac
+ server = open_rpc(trac)
+ user = config.get(trac, 'user')
+ if args[0] == 'ls' or args[0] == 'list':
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ try:
+ query = config.get('queries', args[1])
+ except ConfigParser.NoOptionError:
+ print "I couldn't find the query %s" % args[1]
+ sys.exit(1)
+ else:
+ try:
+ query = config.get('queries', 'default')
+ except ConfigParser.NoOptionError:
+ query = "status!=closed&owner=$USER"
+ tickets = server.ticket.query(query)
+ multicall = xmlrpclib.MultiCall(server)
+ for t in tickets:
+ multicall.ticket.get(t)
+ list_tickets(multicall())
+ elif args[0] == 'info' or args[0] == 'show':
+ id = int(args[1])
+ ticket = server.ticket.get(id)
+ show_ticket(ticket)
+ changelog = server.ticket.getTicketFields(id)
+ elif args[0] == 'comment':
+ id = int(args[1])
+ comment = editor()
+ comment_on_ticket(id, comment)
+ else:
+ print "Command %s not understood" % args[0]
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()