date:Wed Nov 14 04:48:51 2007 +0000
Add collage object and fullscreen config option
diff --git a/ b/
line changes: +35/-0
index 0000000..c34f749
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+from Sprite import Sprite
+from OpenGL.GL import *
+class Collage:
+	tiles = None
+	position = (0,0)
+	def __init__(self, file):
+		self.parse(file)
+	def parse(self, file):
+		self.tiles = []
+		mf = (1,1)
+		f = open(file,'r')
+		for line in f:
+			args = line.split()
+			if not args:
+				continue
+			cmd = args[0]
+			args = args[1:]
+			if cmd == 'tilesize':
+				mf = (int(args[0]),int(args[1]))
+			elif cmd == 'tile':
+				s = Sprite(args[0])
+				s.position = (int(args[1]) * mf[0], int(args[2]) * mf[1])
+				self.tiles.append(s)
+	def draw(self):
+		glPushMatrix()
+		glTranslatef(self.position[0], self.position[1], 0.0)
+		for t in self.tiles:
+			t.draw()
+		glPopMatrix()

diff --git a/ b/
line changes: +7/-1
index 3246a9a..9209d84
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -23,7 +23,13 @@ def init(resolution=(640,480)):
 		sres = [int(n * config.scalefactor) for n in resolution]
 	except AttributeError:
 		sres = resolution
-	pygame.display.set_mode(sres, OPENGL|DOUBLEBUF|HWSURFACE)
+	try:
+		if config.fullscreen:
+			flags |= FULLSCREEN
+	except AttributeError:
+		pass
+	pygame.display.set_mode(sres, flags)
 	# Set up the camera

diff --git a/ b/
line changes: +26/-10
index abc76be..0c65a13
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -7,6 +7,10 @@ from Numeric import array
 from util import *
 import TexMan
+LEFT = 0
+RIGHT = 2
 class Sprite:
 	frames = None
 	framerate = 0.0
@@ -18,6 +22,8 @@ class Sprite:
 	uparrow = False
 	displaylists = None
+	gravity = (LEFT, LEFT)
 	def __init__(self, file, genlist=True):
 		self.frames = []
 		d = None
@@ -39,12 +45,21 @@ class Sprite:
 		if self.displaylists == None:
 			n = glGenLists(len(self.frames))
 			self.displaylists = range(n,n+len(self.frames))
-		x = -self.size[0]/2
-		y = -self.size[1]/2
+		c = [0,0]
+		for i in range(0,2):
+			if self.gravity[i] == LEFT:
+				c[i] = 0
+			elif self.gravity[i] == CENTER:
+				c[i] = -self.size[0]/2
+			elif self.gravity[i] == RIGHT:
+				c[i] = -self.size[0]
+			else:
+				print "Invalid gravity:",x
+				c[i] = 0
 		vertexarray = array(
-			((x,y,0),(x+self.tsize[0],y,0),
-			 (x+self.tsize[0],y+self.tsize[1],0),
-			 (x,y+self.tsize[1],0))
+			((c[0],c[1],0),(c[0]+self.tsize[0],c[1],0),
+			 (c[0]+self.tsize[0],c[1]+self.tsize[1],0),
+			 (c[0],c[1]+self.tsize[1],0))
 		texcoordarray = array(
@@ -67,11 +82,12 @@ class Sprite:
 	def draw(self):
-		now = pygame.time.get_ticks()
-		dt = now - self.anim_t
-		if dt > self.anim_period:
-			self.frameno = (self.frameno + int(dt / self.anim_period)) % len(self.frames)
-			self.anim_t = now
+		if self.framerate > 0.0:
+			now = pygame.time.get_ticks()
+			dt = now - self.anim_t
+			if dt > self.anim_period:
+				self.frameno = (self.frameno + int(dt / self.anim_period)) % len(self.frames)
+				self.anim_t = now
 		glTranslatef(self.position[0], self.position[1], 0)
 		if self.rotation != 0:

diff --git a/ b/
line changes: +4/-5
index 3b2d46e..7106118
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -20,11 +20,10 @@ except:
 resolution = (640,480)
 #resolution = (320,240)
-spritefile = 'img/ball.png'
+if sys.argv[1:]:
 	spritefile = sys.argv[1:]
-except IndexError:
-	pass
+	spritefile = 'img/ball.png'
 class Bouncer:
 	def __init__(self):
@@ -59,7 +58,7 @@ class Bouncer:
 bouncers = []
-for i in range(0,100):
+for i in range(0,1000):
 	h = Bouncer()

diff --git a/ b/
line changes: +2/-1
index a221b75..46372ba
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 # If your card has trouble with non-square textures (my TNT seems to), set this
 # to true to make all textures square
-square_textures = True
+square_textures = False
 #scalefactor = 2
+#fullscreen = True

diff --git a/data/example1 b/data/example1
line changes: +19/-0
index 0000000..f23eb41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/example1
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+tilesize 64 64
+tile img/block.png 0 0
+tile img/block.png 1 0
+tile img/block.png 2 0
+tile img/block.png 3 0
+tile img/block.png 4 0
+tile img/block.png 5 0
+tile img/block.png 6 0
+tile img/block.png 7 0
+tile img/block.png 8 0
+tile img/block.png 9 0
+tile img/block.png 4 1
+tile img/block.png 4 2
+tile img/block.png 4 3
+tile img/block.png 4 4
+tile img/block.png 6 1
+tile img/block.png 6 2

diff --git a/data/simple b/data/simple
line changes: +5/-0
index 0000000..f6a934e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/simple
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+tilesize 64 64
+tile img/block.png 0 0
+tile img/block.png 0 1
+tile img/block.png 1 0
+tile img/block.png 1 1

diff --git a/data/stars b/data/stars
line changes: +120/-0
index 0000000..1e82033
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/stars
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+tile img/star.png 232 421
+tile img/star.png 390 193
+tile img/star.png 548 66
+tile img/star.png 311 367
+tile img/star.png 430 12
+tile img/star.png 88 64
+tile img/star.png 90 123
+tile img/star.png 286 370
+tile img/star.png 263 100
+tile img/star.png 338 84
+tile img/star.png 231 47
+tile img/star.png 132 415
+tile img/star.png 399 183
+tile img/star.png 111 470
+tile img/star.png 445 67
+tile img/star.png 427 159
+tile img/star.png 237 103
+tile img/star.png 533 223
+tile img/star.png 26 409
+tile img/star.png 382 87
+tile img/star.png 507 82
+tile img/star.png 329 380
+tile img/star.png 381 417
+tile img/star.png 518 317
+tile img/star.png 378 197
+tile img/star.png 607 463
+tile img/star.png 502 274
+tile img/star.png 406 235
+tile img/star.png 185 249
+tile img/star.png 448 412
+tile img/star.png 418 29
+tile img/star.png 248 121
+tile img/star.png 177 85
+tile img/star.png 327 352
+tile img/star.png 466 39
+tile img/star.png 591 306
+tile img/star.png 106 95
+tile img/star.png 570 209
+tile img/star.png 163 466
+tile img/star.png 100 185
+tile img/star.png 376 469
+tile img/star.png 586 33
+tile img/star.png 383 251
+tile img/star.png 178 209
+tile img/star.png 121 211
+tile img/star.png 408 289
+tile img/star.png 539 222
+tile img/star.png 476 245
+tile img/star.png 282 274
+tile img/star.png 557 90
+tile img/star.png 249 80
+tile img/star.png 563 447
+tile img/star.png 18 229
+tile img/star.png 255 244
+tile img/star.png 358 354
+tile img/star.png 563 323
+tile img/star.png 292 28
+tile img/star.png 497 241
+tile img/star.png 379 67
+tile img/star.png 260 51
+tile img/star.png 159 163
+tile img/star.png 209 304
+tile img/star.png 541 28
+tile img/star.png 635 475
+tile img/star.png 479 130
+tile img/star.png 473 45
+tile img/star.png 127 308
+tile img/star.png 281 420
+tile img/star.png 332 28
+tile img/star.png 177 478
+tile img/star.png 413 12
+tile img/star.png 265 403
+tile img/star.png 216 147
+tile img/star.png 105 117
+tile img/star.png 64 417
+tile img/star.png 164 137
+tile img/star.png 131 416
+tile img/star.png 386 67
+tile img/star.png 511 111
+tile img/star.png 239 419
+tile img/star.png 600 445
+tile img/star.png 356 369
+tile img/star.png 314 266
+tile img/star.png 153 473
+tile img/star.png 239 221
+tile img/star.png 359 135
+tile img/star.png 288 133
+tile img/star.png 511 449
+tile img/star.png 234 401
+tile img/star.png 333 71
+tile img/star.png 40 78
+tile img/star.png 426 235
+tile img/star.png 251 195
+tile img/star.png 324 432
+tile img/star.png 25 334
+tile img/star.png 205 37
+tile img/star.png 219 284
+tile img/star.png 358 414
+tile img/star.png 260 395
+tile img/star.png 202 22
+tile img/star.png 594 64
+tile img/star.png 187 39
+tile img/star.png 71 231
+tile img/star.png 428 5
+tile img/star.png 180 302
+tile img/star.png 435 93
+tile img/star.png 10 161
+tile img/star.png 45 113
+tile img/star.png 224 99
+tile img/star.png 46 401
+tile img/star.png 196 465
+tile img/star.png 432 376
+tile img/star.png 194 342
+tile img/star.png 375 76
+tile img/star.png 437 174
+tile img/star.png 197 275
+tile img/star.png 208 92
+tile img/star.png 195 118
+tile img/star.png 618 202
+tile img/star.png 554 406

diff --git a/img/block.png b/img/block.png
line changes: +0/-0
index 0000000..feab21e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/img/block.png

diff --git a/img/star.png b/img/star.png
line changes: +0/-0
index 0000000..b44a3e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/img/star.png

diff --git a/ b/
line changes: +49/-0
index 0000000..ba07847
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import pygame
+from Sprite import *
+from Collage import *
+import Engine
+#resolution = (1280,1024)
+resolution = (640,480)
+#resolution = (320,240)
+ground = Collage('data/example1')
+ground.position = [0,0]
+stars = Collage('data/stars')
+stars.position = [0,0]
+def update():
+	ground.position[0] -= 5
+	if ground.position[0] < 0:
+		ground.position[0] = 640
+	stars.position[0] -= 1
+	if stars.position[0] < 0:
+		stars.position[0] = 640
+def draw():
+	stars.draw()
+	stars.position[0] -= 640
+	stars.draw()
+	stars.position[0] += 640
+	ground.draw()
+	ground.position[0] -= 640
+	ground.draw()
+	ground.position[0] += 640
+n = 0
+def fpsthing():
+	global n
+	n += 1
+	if n == 100:
+		fps = "%0.1f FPS" % Engine.fpsman.get_fps()
+		pygame.display.set_caption("bouncetest [%s]" % fps)
+		print fps
+		n = 0