Add keyboard; shell relaunch
+ "unaligned" => unsafe {
+ let p = 2 as *const u32;
+ print_hex_u32(*p);
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ "instr" => unsafe {
+ let b: &[u16; 2] = &[0xf7f0, 0xa000]; // Should be an undefined instruction
+ let fp: fn() = core::mem::transmute(b);
+ fp();
+ Ok(())
+ }
"panic" => {
panic!("Test panic");
+ "k" => {
+ let mut keybits = [0u32; 3];
+ let mut db = [0u8; 1];
+ stdlib::read_keys(&mut keybits);
+ stdlib::print(" c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9\r\n");
+ for r in 0..9 {
+ stdlib::print("r");
+ db[0] = 0x30 + r + 1;
+ stdlib::write(&db);
+ for c in 0..9 {
+ let i = (r * 9 + c) as usize;
+ if keybits[i / 32] & 1 << (i % 32) != 0 {
+ db[0] = 0x31;
+ } else {
+ db[0] = 0x30;
+ }
+ stdlib::print(" ");
+ stdlib::write(&db);
+ }
+ stdlib::print("\r\n");
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
_ => Err(CommandError::BadCommand),
+mod keyboard;
mod usbdev;
use core::cell::RefCell;
use cortex_m::peripheral::scb::SystemHandler;
use critical_section::Mutex;
+use embedded_hal::digital::v2::PinState;
+pub use keyboard::Keyboard;
use usbdev::init_usb;
pub use usbdev::with_usb;
static PERIPHERALS: Mutex<RefCell<Option<Peripherals>>> = Mutex::new(RefCell::new(None));
-type LedPin = gpio::Pin<gpio::bank0::Gpio7, gpio::Output<gpio::PushPull>>;
+type LedPin = gpio::Pin<gpio::bank0::Gpio7, gpio::FunctionSioOutput, gpio::PullNone>;
pub struct Peripherals {
watchdog: Watchdog,
timer: Timer,
led: LedPin,
+ keyboard: Keyboard,
impl Peripherals {
pub fn led(&mut self) -> &mut LedPin {
&mut self.led
+ pub fn keyboard(&mut self) -> &mut Keyboard {
+ &mut self.keyboard
+ }
pub fn init_peripherals() {
&mut platform.RESETS,
- let led = pins.led.into_push_pull_output();
+ let led = pins.led.into_push_pull_output().into_pull_type();
+ let keyboard = Keyboard::new(
+ [
+ pins.kb_c1.into_pull_up_input().into_dyn_pin(),
+ pins.kb_c2.into_pull_up_input().into_dyn_pin(),
+ pins.kb_c3.into_pull_up_input().into_dyn_pin(),
+ pins.kb_c4.into_pull_up_input().into_dyn_pin(),
+ pins.kb_c5.into_pull_up_input().into_dyn_pin(),
+ pins.kb_c6.into_pull_up_input().into_dyn_pin(),
+ pins.kb_c7.into_pull_up_input().into_dyn_pin(),
+ pins.kb_c8.into_pull_up_input().into_dyn_pin(),
+ pins.kb_c9.into_pull_up_input().into_dyn_pin(),
+ ],
+ [
+ pins.kb_r1
+ .into_push_pull_output_in_state(PinState::High)
+ .into_pull_type()
+ .into_dyn_pin(),
+ pins.kb_r2
+ .into_push_pull_output_in_state(PinState::High)
+ .into_pull_type()
+ .into_dyn_pin(),
+ pins.kb_r3
+ .into_push_pull_output_in_state(PinState::High)
+ .into_pull_type()
+ .into_dyn_pin(),
+ pins.kb_r4
+ .into_push_pull_output_in_state(PinState::High)
+ .into_pull_type()
+ .into_dyn_pin(),
+ pins.kb_r5
+ .into_push_pull_output_in_state(PinState::High)
+ .into_pull_type()
+ .into_dyn_pin(),
+ pins.kb_r6
+ .into_push_pull_output_in_state(PinState::High)
+ .into_pull_type()
+ .into_dyn_pin(),
+ pins.kb_r7
+ .into_push_pull_output_in_state(PinState::High)
+ .into_pull_type()
+ .into_dyn_pin(),
+ pins.kb_r8
+ .into_push_pull_output_in_state(PinState::High)
+ .into_pull_type()
+ .into_dyn_pin(),
+ pins.kb_r9
+ .into_push_pull_output_in_state(PinState::High)
+ .into_pull_type()
+ .into_dyn_pin(),
+ ],
+ );
+ init_timer(core.SYST);
+ let timer = Timer::new(platform.TIMER, &mut platform.RESETS, &clocks);
- init_timer(core.SYST);
- let timer = Timer::new(platform.TIMER, &mut platform.RESETS);
critical_section::with(|cs| {
+ keyboard,
-pub fn with_peripherals<F, R>(mut f: F) -> R where F: FnMut(&mut Peripherals) -> R {
+pub fn with_peripherals<F, R>(mut f: F) -> R
+ F: FnMut(&mut Peripherals) -> R,
critical_section::with(|cs| {
let mut peripherals = PERIPHERALS.borrow_ref_mut(cs);
if let Some(ref mut peripherals) = *peripherals {
panic!("Peripherals not initialized");
\ No newline at end of file
+use core::arch::asm;
+use doa_hallonbrod::hal::gpio::{DynPinId, FunctionSioInput, FunctionSioOutput, Pin, PullNone, PullUp};
+use embedded_hal::digital::v2::{InputPin, OutputPin};
+type ColPin = Pin<DynPinId, FunctionSioInput, PullUp>;
+type RowPin = Pin<DynPinId, FunctionSioOutput, PullNone>;
+pub struct Keyboard {
+ cols: [ColPin; 9],
+ rows: [RowPin; 9],
+impl Keyboard
+ pub fn new(cols: [ColPin; 9], rows: [RowPin; 9]) -> Keyboard {
+ Keyboard { cols, rows }
+ }
+ pub fn scan(&mut self) -> [u32; 3] {
+ let mut keybits = [0u32; 3];
+ for (r, rp) in self.rows.iter_mut().enumerate() {
+ rp.set_low().unwrap(); // Activate column
+ cortex_m::asm::delay(10);
+ for (c, cp) in self.cols.iter().enumerate() {
+ if cp.is_low().unwrap() { // Read row
+ let i = r * 9 + c;
+ keybits[i / 32] |= 1 << (i % 32);
+ }
+ }
+ rp.set_high().unwrap(); // Deactivate column
+ cortex_m::asm::delay(2000);
+ }
+ keybits
+ }
pub fn kernel_panic() {
unsafe { _svc_call(200, 0, 0, 0); }
+pub fn read_keys(buf: &mut [u32; 3]) {
+ let ptr = buf.as_ptr() as u32;
+ unsafe { _svc_call(1000, ptr, 0, 0); }
\ No newline at end of file
use crate::capabilities::CapType;
use crate::console::{self, ConsoleError};
use crate::peripherals::with_peripherals;
-use crate::task::{with_task_manager, TaskRegisters, current_task_has_capability};
+use crate::task::{current_task_has_capability, with_task_manager, TaskRegisters};
use crate::timer::ticks;
if !current_task_has_capability(CapType::ConsoleWrite) {
let bytes = core::slice::from_raw_parts(regs.r1 as *const u8, regs.r2 as usize);
match console::write(bytes) {
Ok(n) => regs.r0 = n as u32,
- },
+ }
Err(e) => panic!("read syscall error: {:?}", e),
101 => {
let entry = regs.r1 as *const ();
let entry = core::mem::transmute(entry);
- let r = with_task_manager(|tm| {
- tm.add_task("TODO", entry, &[], 10)
- });
+ let r = with_task_manager(|tm| tm.add_task("TODO", entry, &[], 10));
match r {
Ok(tid) => regs.r0 = tid,
Err(_) => regs.r0 = 0xFFFFFFFF,
let b = *p;
regs.r0 = b as u32;
+ 1000 => {
+ let keys = core::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(regs.r1 as *mut u32, 3);
+ let keybits = with_peripherals(|p| p.keyboard().scan());
+ keys.copy_from_slice(&keybits);
+ }
_ => panic!("Unknown SVCall"),
\ No newline at end of file
use crate::bsp::pac::SCB;
use crate::capabilities::{with_cap_registry, CapToken, CapType, MAX_CAPS};
-use crate::kprintf;
use crate::mpu::{MemoryMap, MemorySegment, N_PAGES};
use crate::peripherals::with_peripherals;
use crate::timer::{ticks, Ticks};
+use crate::{apps, kprint, kprintf};
const MAX_TASKS: usize = 10;
panic!("Scheduling with no tasks!");
+ if self.tasks.len() == 1 && self.tasks[0].id == 1 {
+ kprint!("Only idle task remains - relaunching shell\r\n");
+ self.add_task(
+ "shell",
+ apps::shell::shell,
+ &[CapType::ConsoleRead, CapType::ConsoleWrite],
+ 0,
+ )
+ .expect("cannot relaunch shell");
+ }
// Check if any tasks are done sleeping
for t in &mut self.tasks {
if let TaskState::Sleeping(t1) = t.state {